
Baseball backstop netting


Batting cage nets


Side Line Netting

Backstop nets


Great for many sports applications

Reduce stray balls. Our nets can be made to any height using a variety of different netting strengths depending on the requirements of your sport.
Our nets are used to reduce damage to property by acting
as a barrier. They also cut down on the number of lost balls as well.

●Custom sizes available
●Batting cages
●Back stops
●UV Stabilized
●Rope Borders

PAKGLOBAL Netting is great for many applications including: foul ball nets, baseball netting, softball netting, soccer field netting, backstop netting, batting cages, football goal post netting, hockey backdrop netting, lacrosse netting, golf netting practice cages and many more. PAKGLOBAL can size your nets to size and can sew in ropes or also tape and grommets where needed.

Customized sports nets.


Variety of sports nets available